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About The Breed

British shorthairs can trace they ancestry back to the domestic cat of Rome, initially revered for their physical strength and hunting ability, these cats soon became equally recognisable by their calm and loyal manners.

In 1871, at the Crystal Palace cat show British Shorthairs were first shown as a breed, indeed Best in Show was awarded to a blue tabby British Shorthair female! By 1910, no cat had done as well as brother and sister British Shorthair silver tabbies, male CH Jimmy, and female CH Laurel Queen.

Thanks to the British "teddy bear" look they have become the most popular breed of cat in the UK. There are today many different colours of British shorthairs, from the original and more recognisable British Blues, other include black, red, chocolate, white, tortoiseshell, silver series, bi-colours and colour points, more recently fawn, lilac and cinnamon have been added as well has tipped and ghost patterns.

GCCF Standard of Points for the British Shorthair

The British Shorthair cat is compact, well balanced and powerful, showing good depth of body, a full broad chest, short legs, rounded paws, tail thick at base with rounded tip. The head is round with a good width between small ears, round cheeks, firm chin, large round and well opened eyes and a short broad nose. The coat is short and dense. A muscular cat with an alert appearance and in perfect physical condition.

Head - Round face with full cheeks and good breath of skull with round underlying bone structure. The head should be set on a short thick neck.

Nose - The nose itself should be short, broad and straight. In profile, a rounded forehead should lead to a short straight nose with a nose break that is neither too pronounced nor too shallow.

Chin - A strong, firm and deep chin is essential. Any deviation from this to be considered a fault. The bite MUST be level, the tip of the chin to line up with the tip of the nose in the same vertical plane.

Ears - Small, rounded at the tips. Set far apart, fitting into (without distorting) the rounded contour of the head. External ear to be well covered with fur, internal furnishings not to be excessive.

Eyes - Large, round and well-opened. Set wide apart with no tendency to Oriental shape. No squint.

Body - Cobby type with short level back. Low on legs with broad deep chest. Equally massive across the shoulders and the rump. Medium to large, but not rangy.

Legs & Paws - Short strong legs. Paws round and firm. Toes carried close, five on each forefoot (including dew-claw) and four on each back foot.

Tail - Should be thick and of medium length, thicker at the base with rounded tip.

Coat - Must be short, dense and crisp. A soft and / or overlong and fluffy coat is incorrect.

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